Frequently Asked Questions
How do I switch to Astro Energy?
just click on the sign up link and fill the online form, it’s that simple!
How does electricity work in Alberta?
The deregulation of electricity in the province has created different entities that work together in a competitive marketplace to provide you with the ability to use electricity in your home and business.
• Generation: Generators sell their power to the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO). The AESO then provides open-market access for all retailers who buy electricity from the wholesale market at the hourly price.
• Transmission: Electricity is sent from the generating plants using high-voltage transmission lines and then to transformers to reduce the voltage to help with electricity distribution. Transmission rates are set by the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) and are managed by the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO).
• Distribution: Electricity travels over the utility’s low-voltage distribution wire lines to customers after reaching the transformers. These utilities deliver electricity locally and read the consumer’s meter. They charge tariff rates that are approved by the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC).
• Retail: Alberta is one of the few provinces that provides customers with the freedom to choose their retailer. The government also provides the option for consumers to buy electricity from a Regulated Retailer. The Regulated Rate Option (RRO) is available as a default supply option. Floating rates, such as provided by Astro Energy, allows consumers to get as close as possible to wholesale prices, which are often well below other retailer prices or Regulated Rate Option (RRO) prices.
How do I change my banking information?
Log into your online account and complete a banking change request form. We will take it from there!
What is an energy contract?
An energy contract is a legal agreement between you and a licensed Energy Retailer. It states the price you will pay for energy and the terms and conditions of your energy purchase.
How do I change my mailing address or personal information?
Just sign in to your account and change your address, contact information or other information you might want updated.
What if I signed a contract with Just Energy, Direct Energy or Enmax?
Before switching to Astro Energy we recommend that you read the terms of conditions on your contract to check if they have a penalty or an early exit fee. If they do, we recommend that you stay with the company until the contract is up and then make the switch. If there is no penalty, just go to our sign up page and we will do the switching over for you!
What happens if I move?
You can transfer your contract with you to your new location. Just give us one month’s notice that you are moving, provide us with your new address for electricity and we’ll take care of the rest.
What if I changed my mind?
You can cancel within 10 days of the date we receive your completed sign up form. You also can cancel anytime after that with just 10-days notice at any time. We have made it exceptionally easy for you. We believe in no contract penalties and no exit fees!
Why is my bill so high?
This can be due to a variety of reasons:
- Electricity or natural gas rates might have increased due to a peak season or unexpected supply shortage
- A tax might have increased
- The transmission or distribution fee might have increased in your area
- Your consumption might have increased
- If you are moving from one area to another and your consumption hasn’t changed, your transmission & distribution fees might have increased. This can especially be the case if you are moving from a larger city like Calgary to a smaller locale like Fort McMurray
The best way to figure this out is to examine your bill. Our friendly customer service is available to help if you need assistance.
Who do I call if the power goes out?
Please call your area’s Wire Distribution Company (ATCO, ENMAX, EPCOR, FortisAlberta, Lethbridge, etc.), the information can be found on your current bill.