Astro Energy is pleased to offer its customers floating rates for electricity and natural gas. Historically, this has been the cheapest option for Albertan families.

For customers concerned about month-to-month fluctuations in their bills, Astro Energy is pleased to offer fixed electricity and natural gas rates.

Electricity Rates:


The Floating Rate is indexed directly to the cost of electricity sold by the generators into the Alberta Power Pool and changes monthly. The floating rate is calculated as the cost of energy plus 1 cent per kWh. Our monthly Admin fee is $7 per site per month.


For customers who are concerned about month-to-month fluctuations, Astro Energy is now offering fixed electricity rates. Please check our sign up page for current rates.

Natural Gas Rates:


The natural gas variable rate is based on the Alberta Market Price published by NGX and changes monthly. The variable rate is calculated as the cost of natural gas plus $0.89/GJ. Our monthly Admin fee is $7 per site per month.


For customers who are concerned about month-to-month fluctuations, Astro Energy is now offering fixed natural gas rates. Please check our sign up page for current rates. A 60-month commitment is required and an early exit fee of $250 applies as per our supplier. Please make sure this product is right for you, more details are available in our terms and conditions.

TELUS Services:
Amazing deals on Internet and more when you add a TELUS product!

As part of this unique partnership with TELUS, Astro Energy customers get exclusive prices on everything TELUS has to offer, including an ADDITIONAL 25% off of TELUS’ lowest bundled promo pricing.

NEW CUSTOMER? Apply for power and/or gas and once your application is complete, you will be contacted by a TELUS rep 

EXISTING CUSTOMER? Simply verify your account by using your account number and last name, click off the TELUS products you are interested in and TELUS will contact you to get set up

How to access these prices? 
Go to our signup form and become a customer of ours!